Wednesday 27 May 2009

101 Control/Social Management/Invisible Policemen

The quaint religion of Catholicism has 37% of the world’s population following its musings. The confessional, a small, enclosed booth, is a fabulous invention and a very powerful invisible policeman. People will enter and under the ruse that no one but God and his representative need know, sins are confessed.
However, the priests were missing 63% of the world and were convinced the flock were holding back on the really lurid stuff. They craved deeper sordid titillation and so invented the ultimate confessional, the Internet Search Engine. The suggestive ‘Go Ogle’ was the original engine, and the initial success at extracting confessions was remarkable. Not even the Spanish Inquisition could get people to admit they had a penchant for However, there was a problem, the number of closet homosexuals and cross dressers it revealed was alarming. The clergy thought it had controlled those problems by inviting known miscreants to join their ranks. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.
The shear numbers unearthed by Go Ogle presented a very big problem. There simply was not enough room to house them all. Advertising executive Brandon O’Yeah (see 57 Pastimes/Rituals/Sunbathing) partially solved the problem by inventing New Labour and thus creating a large number of public servant and administration jobs with time consuming but wholly pointless occupations like Cornish Language Officer, Problem Otter Counsellor and Lesbian Ham Carver in order to distract them from thoughts of frocks and bottoms. Some were squeezed into the all ready over burdened entertainment industry and more still were shoe horned into Human Resource Departments. Diablo Ex Machina. Throngs of deviants are being discovered every day and the Church is despairing.
On the plus side people have become more honest.

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