Tuesday, 2 December 2008


Acting as an outlet for homosexually repressed middle management to crawl between each others thighs in the name of masculinity, rugby was created as an offshoot of football by a skill-lacking public school individual who decided to pick up the ball and run instead of kicking it. Tell your children to try this next PE lesson and see where it gets them. Rugby is a very good way for over-weight and/or over-muscular forty year olds to kick the crap out of each other for an hour on a cow field every Sunday morning. Honestly, there is nothing impressive about having a bloated elephantiasis ear caused by the consistent rubbing on large men’s thighs. Rugby is only allowed to be played by the upper middle classes and includes a traditional post-match shower room bottom-touching contest and for away games, players are encouraged to squash their bloated penises against the mini-bus window in the direction of schoolgirls buses for full motorway effect. Played with a ball that doesn't even roll properly and most famous rugby players are somehow linked to the royal family
Girls play a non-contact variant called touch-rugby, which totally misses the point and is useless

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