Tuesday, 10 February 2009


Fear is the mind killer. It is all in the mind. So if you don’t have a mind it is impossible to fear. That explains why some people want to be Presidents, Generals, Prime Ministers and Chat Show hosts. For the rest of us fear is all too real.
Some people are inflicted with terrible fears. Think what it must be like to suffer from claustrophobia and agoraphobia at the same time. Just exactly what is the right size space in which to feel safe?
The fear of long words has been inappropriately named as Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, how cruel can you get? Searching the Internet for some help and you come across that bastard. Would you ever recover? Some say it is best to confront your fears, but you don’t learn to ride a bike by entering the Macau GP.
Ideophobia - the fear of ideas, you’d never be cured, ‘Mr Trimble I’ve got an idea that might just cure you. Nurse where has he gone? Was it something I said?’

Hypnophobia - the fear of sleep, people who suffer with this wake up screaming every morning ‘I’ve done it again!’
The fear of feeling pleasure, Hedonophobia, must be very tiring: ‘Oh that’s nice. Oh no I’m feeling pleasure, I’m scared. That’s better I don’t feel pleasure any more. Phew what a relief! Oh no I’m feeling pleasure again…’ and that’s just taking a shower.
Imagine dying and discovering that you suffer from Uranophobia – the fear of Heaven. Not a lot of final destination choices left.One of the worst phobias to suffer from is Tremophobia – the fear of trembling, a self-feeding loop that only stops when you pass out with exhaustion. Only to start again when you wake up tired and cold.

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