Tuesday, 9 June 2009

104 Humans/Power/The Power Behind The Throne

Who is the most powerful man in the world? Bill Gates? Benedict Farse? Media Moguls? These people are in fact all puppets of Arthur Skreeb.
Arthur is 2467yrs old. He was great mates with, and shared the same bicycle as Hippocrates. Hip was the first great physician, the ‘Father of Medicine’ and a very clever man. Arthur was also good chums with Plato and could have him in an argument. In fact it was Plato who taught Arthur sophism, the art of winning a discussion even when you are wrong, but because Plato was a bit la-di-da and valued the pursuit of truth above all else, he inadvertently provided Arthur with the perfect foil with which to perfect his insidious persuasive techniques.
Hippocrates discovered the secret of immortality and told Arthur all about it. Screeb seized the opportunity and persuaded Hip that to live forever would be tedious, no one really needs more than 90 years to have a full life, and it would be wise to keep his trap shut about all the healthy living nonsense.
And so everyone was denied the right to live forever and Arthur Skreeb evolved into the repellent, insipid weasel he is today. Arthur is a shadow, the power behind the power behind the throne, completely invisible. He often gatecrashes funerals naked except for a giant 2-foot red and black hornet covering his tackle, shouting ‘I love wasps me!’ and dancing like Heather Mills at the end of a divorce, and no one notices. He has persuaded everyone to look the other way, that they are free to believe what they choose, read what they want to read, view what they decide to view. He has done all this for the sake of power.
But is he happy?
Oh yes.

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