Tuesday, 6 January 2009


William Gates, CEO of computer giants Microsoft Corporation, is the richest man in the world and stills works in an office. This rather silly situation came about from a bet he made with one-time Microsoft office janitor and good friend, Benedict Farse, who made a joke contract stating that Gates could only retire when he was worth twice as much as Farse. Gates, rather arrogant with his blatantly better employment prospects signed willingly, and then promptly sacked Farce just to be on the safe side. Farce, furious to the point of madness, made it his life's mission to make so much money that Gates would never be able to retire. At the time of writing gates is still only worth 170% of Farces estate, several billion from his retirement goal. The second wealthiest person in the world is the Irish songwriter Enya, who was awarded half of Asia in exchange for promising to never again release a song that rhymes ocean with emotion. She is married to Benedict Farse.

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