Monday, 19 January 2009


Could an omnipotent being create a rock that it could not lift? There are numerous ways to tackle this one. Accidental omnipotence, where the omnipotent being creates the rock, cannot lift it and becomes non-omnipotent. Essential omnipotence, where it is impossible for the being to be non-omnipotent and cannot do what is logically impossible and so has a nice sit down and a cup of tea instead. Logically impossible omnipotence, where the being can do the impossible, so creates a stone it cannot lift but lifts it anyway just to show who the fuck he is. All worthy attempts but miss the point of omnipotence.
To be omnipotent means to have unlimited power. So when a being creates a rock he cannot lift he creates it, doesn’t lift it, sits down has a cuppa, then lifts it. He then asks himself a question he cannot answer and at he same time makes a cup of tea so hot he cannot drink it. But drinks it anyway. Then answers that tricky question from before. He then goes on to prove that, although he loves everyone and everything, he can create something that is impossible to love. These beings are not very popular and rarely worshipped because they are too busy showing off to do anything really useful like create abundance, peace and love for all. However, a few have slipped through the net and reside in Worlds where the inhabitants like playing golf, tuning bagpipes and listening to the impossible to love Cold Play.

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