Tuesday, 20 July 2010

125 Animals/Humans/Mind

The common definition of mind is ‘that aspect of intellect and consciousness experienced as combinations of thought, perception, memory, emotion, will and imagination’. But that’s exactly what it wants you to think.
The mind is like the distant cousin on your mother’s side that you should not serve Sunny Delight. He seems alright but you never quite know what he’s going to do. One minute stroking the cat, the next exploding it to furry bits using anally applied fireworks.
If you think your mind is different, it is only because it is biding its time. You feel in control now, but there will come the day where it will post a steaming turd through your letterbox. Or shred your entire wardrobe with the garden shears. Or scratch every one of your music CD’s with a pentagram, and your DVD’s with a childish depiction of an ejaculating penis.
The mind is not to be trusted.
There is one way to get the better of your mind and that is to view it as a tool. An extremely imperfect tool, like the B&Q budget set. One day you accidently fracture your nose and lose an eye when the cheap hammer breaks and smashes you in the face. You then decide to pay up and replace it with the Stanley Fatmax range. What is the Fatmax? That’s for you to find out (see 333 Puzzles/Mysteries/Fatmax)
Never believe you are your mind. Descartes’ Cogito ergo sum: I think therefore I am, is wrong. Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum; I think that I think therefore I think I am, is closer to the truth, but still wrong. Find your Fatmax and realise the truth.

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