Tuesday, 20 July 2010

126 Prophecies/Scary Prophecy/The End of Days

The End Time or End of Days has various meanings in different religions. The Jesus janglers reckon it’s a time of tribulation and the Messiah will usher in the kingdom of god. Your Jew will tell you its the coming of Mashiach, the anointed king. And a Muslim will point at the day of Judgement, Allah’s final assessment of humanity. Fortunately they are all wrong. It’s not as bad as that. Phew! Coz your average human doesn’t stand a chance against the erratic perfection of omnipotent god. (41 Puzzles/Mysteries/Omnipotence Paradox).
The actual end of days is a time prophesied by the Great Mungo in 150,000BC. You can now see the problem with this BC/AD malarkey. The span of recorded history is thought to be 5,000 years but little do scientists know, enlightened humans who could write have been around a lot longer. It was just that they were sensible and kept their numbers small so they weren’t a strain on the planet, and that’s why they don’t appear in the fossil record. Natural de-selection eroded this enlightened, god-like being until they became the fornicating, sex obsessed, planet plunderers we have today.
The Great Mungo 152,010 years ago foresaw the final battle between good and evil, between greed and sharing, between Bill Gates and Benedict Farse. All subsequent legends have been based on this one true prophecy: Cain and Able, Jesus and the Devil, Kylie and Jason just tawdry copy cat imitations. And Mungo in his wisdom decided to leave out the detail as to who was the good guy and who was the baddie. That is for you to decide. Who do you choose? The Lamb or the Beast? Team Gates or Team Farse?

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